Similarities in CBSE Board and JEE Main Exam Pattern

The syllabus of JEE is almost the same as that of the board examinations.;

Update: 2018-12-20 13:28 GMT

As we all know that the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is one of the toughest national level entrance examinations conducted across India. Almost every student who applies for JEE Main also appears for the CBSE board examination in the same year. So, it is very important for students to know the difference between the CBSE board and the JEE Main Syllabus.

The syllabus of JEE is almost the same as that of the board examinations. However, there may be a little difference in JEE Main Exam Pattern which basically depends on the examination board you are appearing for. Generally, the syllabus of CBSE Class 12 is similar to the JEE Main syllabus. Despite the identical syllabus, both the examinations usually test the skills of the students.

CBSE Board Syllabus

The board examinations conducted by CBSE are usually theory based in which almost each and every questions test your knowledge of the basic definitions and derivatives which involves a particular topic or concept. The question paper needs you to write answers of different word limits, for which you should keep in mind that most of the examination boards puts stress on particular keywords for each answer.

JEE Main Syllabus

The syllabus of JEE Main lay more emphasis on in depth knowledge of the concepts and test one’s ability to use these concepts to solve various real-life problems. JEE Main is an objective paper which comprises 90 questions for which you will get 3 hours to solve. The time limit as well as the difficulty level of this examination is a matter of stress for the candidates.

Difference in exam pattern

Both the CBSE boards and the JEE Main syllabus generally focuses on the numerical and application based questions, but the scope of the board examination is limited to some basic problems which can be solved easily if you have the knowledge of the formulae. On the other hand, questions coming in the JEE Main question paper are not direct and demand a great conceptual knowledge. To perform well in the JEE Main examination, you have to practice regularly and have a good hold over the topics in the syllabus.

Difference in Syllabus

One of the major difference in JEE Main and CBSE board is the length of the syllabus. The CBSE board syllabus is basically limited to the topics studied in Class 12 whereas the syllabus of JEE Main comprises topics studied in Class 11 and 12. Apart from all this, some topics included in JEE Main syllabus are not included in CBSE board syllabus. The list of such topics varies according to the board you are studying in. Therefore, it is advisable that before appearing for JEE Main, one should be aware of the JEE Main Syllabus in depth.

Difference in Strategies

While preparing for both, the CBSE Boards and JEE Main altogether, you need to follow entirely different strategies for both the examinations. If you look at CBSE past papers, you will get to know that there is a particular pattern in the questions asked in the CBSE board exams. It’s been observed that some questions get repeated over the years in the board exams. So, it is advisable that you must go through the previous year papers as many times as possible for better grip of the concepts. However, this is not the case with the JEE Main Syllabus. In JEE Main, questions with similar concept might get repeated, but will never see the exact question repeated.


For the CBSE board examination, you must master the skill of presenting your answers. However, there are very little chances that you might lose marks for bad handwriting and poor presentation. There are a few topics that will get you marks easily if you understand the concept. But, this doesn’t apply to JEE Main, which is more about thinking and applying the concepts to the questions. Only one rule will apply to JEE i.e. the more you practice, the higher you will score in the examination. If you mastered the JEE Main Syllabus, you can score great marks in the board exams.

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