Amidst the Groundswell of Support For the Wrestlers, The Govt Remains Isolated

June 15 deadline for action approaches

Update: 2023-06-12 04:44 GMT

For a government that has resorted to arrests at the drop of a hat, the going seems to have become very tough when it comes to their own Member of Parliament Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh who remains the president of the Wrestlers Federation of India. The legislator remains free to ‘intimidate’ the wrestlers who have been feeling the pressure ever since the government opened ‘talks’ with them to resolve the crisis. In a recent interview to NDTV wrestler Sakshee Mallikh said, “There’s huge pressure on us to compromise,” maintaining that Singh’s men were calling and threatening them. Her remarks basically confirm what has been on display for a week or more, with the withdrawal of the complaint by the minor wrestler’s father being a case in point. This is a big boon for Singh as otherwise he was in immediate danger of arrest under the POCSO Act. It is also becoming increasingly clear that despite the rounds of talks the government is no mood to concede the top demand of the wrestlers, namely the arrest of Singh for sexual harassment in his post as WFI chief.

In contrast to the stonewalling, there could have been another scenario. Prime Minister Narendra Modi could have made the grand gesture at the onset of meeting the wrestlers, persuading them to end their protest even as Singh was led away in handcuffs. This would have restored the PM and the BJP’s image in Haryana, re-established his charisma and credibility. Instead he has chosen to crack down on the wrestlers, and support Singh who is said to have some clout in parts of Uttar Pradesh.

Speculation remains rife for this reason. One, is that Singh’s longevity is largely because of supposed rivalry between the PM and the Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister. This does not bear out as Singh seems to have the support of all concerned, despite the fact that the inaction is costing the BJP in Haryana. More so, after the farmers and the khaps came out in support of the girls.

Media reports from Haryana suggest that the poll bound state is moving away from the BJP because of this protest. The wrestlers come from families that have been sympathetic to the ruling party in the past, and sat on strike optimistic of action in their favour. But clearly Singh’s clout is such that he remains secure enough to get his men to threaten the sportswomen, even as public support for him is visibly on the wane.

It is not a good day when those in power turn against their own players, who have brought laurels to the nation. It was not so long ago that the girls sitting with tears in their eyes and stressed faces, were bubbling with joy and happiness when they returned with Olympic medals.The future was theirs, as a delighted country embraced them with love. What then has changed so much that their allegations are now being ignored and their complaints of sexual harassment not taken on board? That the police is sent to drag them unceremoniously from the protest site, that led international sports bodies to intervene with strongly worded statements.

As of this moment, it seems that there is no breakthrough despite the meetings between the wrestlers and the senior ministers in government. And the reluctance to arrest Singh remains the sticking point. June 15 is the last date for the supposed compromise, with the apolitical wrestlers forced into taking positions that they had not even thought of when they first came out for justice. The farmers, the khaps, students, women groups, activists, opposition all have come out in support of the wrestlers. All that remains is the government.

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