Syria: Regional Battles Move Towards A Global War

NEW DELHI: The recent Israel aggression on Syria's sovereignty went unnoticed but cannot be ignored for several miliary and political reasons that will shape the future role of engagement in the region.
On Monday, March 20, 2017 an Israeli Drone flight was shot down by Syrian forces over Syria. A fact that srael admitted as well.
Israel after many years of silence about any attack on Syria or Lebanon, this time acknowledged attacking targets in Syria Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu could not shy away from taking pictures of injured militants from the Al Qaeda affiliated group Al Nusra in the occupied Syrian Golan heights . A report from the UN Disengagement Observer forces (UNDOF) in 2013 confirmed that Israel defense forces maintained regular contact with the Al Nusra front and Daesh(IS) terrorist organization along the border with Syria, on the Golan side .
It is the first time that Tel Aviv has admitted attacking targets in Syria, thereby exposing its covert operations aimed at destabilizing and the destruction of Syria along with the United States and the West.
This was made possible only because Syria retaliated to the Israeli violation of its territory, and the debris of the anti aircraft missile fell inside residential areas that made the Israeli settlers run for cover.
Moscow summoned the Israeli ambassador to Russia, and asked him to explain the Israeli violation of the Syrian air space. Russia also expressed concern over the exchange of fire between the Syrian government forces and Israeli jets. Israel defense minister Lieberman has threatened to destroy Syrian air defense if Israeli jets come under fire.
The decision of the Syrian government to respond is strategic in nature and signalled to the Netanyahu government that the rules of the game have changed. And that the war on Syria might have weakened Syria's defense capability, but that it was still holding strong with the help of the Axis of resistance to prevent Israel's hegemony in the region.
Another message sent out, and clealry received by Israel, is that Syria will not keep silent and will prepare for any eventuality. The political and military decision came after a series of threats from Israeli leaders to Lebanese resistance forces such as Hezbollah, that is fighting alongside the Syrian government against Takfiri terrorist groups in Syria.
There was anintelligence report that Tel Aviv was preparing for a war against Lebanon, and it was the threat of retaliation by spiritual leader Hasan Nasrullah of Hezbollah party that thwarted Israel from any military misadventure. Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu, has felt renewed need of military action after US President Donald Trump took over.
The timing of Israel’s repeated attacks on Syria's military installations comes always with the success of Syrian forces against terrorist groups like Al Nusra, Daesh and other armed groups .Since 2013 , Israel has repeatedly attacked Syria and never admitted it .Tel Aviv for years, has been trying to convince the world that its actions are part of self defense. This is no longer acceptable to the international community.
The support to mercenaries and armed militant groups operating in Syria from 83 countries continues, The list includes the US, NATO member nations, Israel, Turkey, Jordan and funded by Petrodollars from the sheikhdom of Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
The Plan adopted in the nineties to change the regime by force has failed in Syria, and will not be able to defeat the arch of resistance which includes: Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
The war of interest and hegemony will intensify in tWest Asia, with a heavy investment in global terrorism by these nations through proxies.
Russia will ensure that its presence in the Mediterranean sea through Syria military bases, eliminates all mercenaries that are a threat to that country as well. It will work on mplementing UNSC resolution 2254 to establish peace in Syria by this year.
Washington will intensify its war on Syria to topple the Syrian government, particularly after the visit of defense minister of Saudi Arabia. He has pledged 200 Billion US Dollars of investment in the US to help Trump fulfill his promise to his electorate .Both see Iran as a threat along with its allies, namely Syria and the Hezbollah. According to military sources 80% of the arms with the militants organizations in Syria are American made, and the rest are from Eastern Europe, France and Israel.
US military presence in Syria will enlarge to ensure an autonomous enclave for the Kurds as a blackmail tactic to be used against Syria ,for securing oil and gas deals.
In Turkey on the other hand, President Erdogan will strengthen his control on power and win the referendum for a presidential system of governance. Despite riising pressure from EU against Erdogan’s policies, Riyadh and Doha will step in and continue to pour money into his pocket to widen the gap between Ankara and Tehran.
Tehran will strengthen its presence in Syria and Lebanon to ensure its deterrence against any attack by Israel on its nuclear installations. More so afterTel Aviv,Doha and Riyadh forged a common alliance against Tehran, banking on the Trump administration that has been threatening to attack Iran, and scrap the agreement reached under former President Barack Obama.
China was a late entry into the Syrian quagmire. It was provoked by Turkey’s support for the Uyghur minorities rwho had joined the ISIS. And who would pose a threat to the security of China upon their return.
In the meanwhile, Syria is determined to regain its territory, and continue the reconciliation process with the opposition. Along with the settlement of Syrian militants so as to to bring them back into the mainstream .This will open the doors for a political dialogue, and hopefully usher in reforms to strengthen the social fabric of the Syrian society that is partly destroyed because of the prolonged war, and foreign intervention.
The defeat of IS /Daesh is imminent in Iraq and Syria but this will not put an end to radicalism and extremism .We will witness the revival of Al Qaeda and other radical militants groups spreading all over the region and overseas.
The region will witness many battles that will in all probability lead to a global war. This might not be too far away with Israel determined to drag a willing US, and other allies into it.
(Dr Waiel Awwad is a senior Syrian journalist based in South Asia)