JEE Main 2019 January Session Over; Know the Students Reaction About the Exam
JEE Main 2019 January Session Over; Know the Students Reaction About the Exam

The January session of JEE Main 2019 was successfully conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) from January 8 to January 12. Each day, both Paper 1 and Paper 2 were conducted in two shifts, forenoon shift and evening shift. The JEE Main 2019 results for Paper 1 (for B.Tech. /B.E. aspirants) is out on the official website.
Over 9.65 lakh engineering aspirants registered for the January session of JEE Main, which is 2.5 lakh less than the last year registrations. According to candidates who appeared for the exam, Paper 1 was similar to the last year paper and the difficulty level was moderate. But Paper 2 for B.Arch. /B. Des. Aspirants were reported to be slightly easier as compared to last few years, with difficulty level to be moderate.
For JEE Main Paper 1, Physics was reported to be the toughest section, according to most of the candidates, while, in Paper 2, Mathematics was reported to be the toughest of all three sections.
The result for Paper 1 is also out on the official website. It consisted of three sections, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics and was held entirely in computer-based mode. There were 90 questions in total, with 30 questions in each section.
Most of the students, reported Physics to be the toughest section of all, because of heavy calculations involved, which were time-consuming, and, Chemistry was voted to be the easiest section, as most of the questions were theoretical, and a few questions were also asked directly from N.C.E.R.T.
Mathematics was of the moderate level and had mixed questions, both times consuming and easy calculations. Overall, students reported the JEE Main 2019 Paper 1 to be moderately difficult. Syllabus from both class 11th and 12th was equally there. Out of 30 questions in chemistry, 25 was a good attempt. In Physics, out of 30, 15-20 can be considered a good attempt and in mathematics also, 15-20 was a good attempt.
Syed Haider Ali, a student from Bal Bharti School, Noida appeared for JEE Main Paper 1 and reviewed the paper as follows:
JEE Main Paper 2 was conducted on January 8, in two slots, forenoon and evening. The exam was partially computer based and partially pencil-and-paper based. Mathematics and Aptitude sections were computer-based and the drawing section was pencil-and-paper based.
Students reported the paper to be between easy to moderate difficulty level. Mathematics was the toughest of all three sections and drawing was the easiest. The drawing section majorly depended on student’s imagination, so, this section was to test a student’s drawing and imagining capability.
Mathematics section did not cover topics equally from the entire syllabus of class 11th and 12th. Many students believed that the Mathematics section for B. Arch. /B. Des. Aspirants were at par with the mathematics section for B.Tech. Aspirants. Aptitude section was of easy to moderate difficulty level, having questions about 2D, 3D views, full forms, etc.
Ananya, a student of Father Agnel School, Noida, who appeared for Paper 2, reviewed the paper as follows: