‘As Home Minister You Need to Take Strong Action Against Those Who Seek to Destroy Our Security and Unity’
CPI-M files FIR against hate-videos

Dear Shri Amit Shah ji,
Namaskar. I am writing to you in connection with a number of videos which are circulating on the youtube channel and whatsapp groups which are clearly designed to incite communal hatred, violence and acts of terror against one specific community by another community.
One of the videos incites “all Hindus” to enter houses of Muslims to teach them a lesson against so-called love jehad. Another video threatens those who do not say Jaishree ram will be send to the graveyard. Details are available in the following links;
The videos and their circulation constitute criminal acts under the IPC, under the cyber laws and IT Act and also under the laws against acts of terror. There is no doubt that by allowing circulation of such anti-national material on their channel, the owners/controlling authorizes of youtube channel are also guilty.
Since youtube has a worldwide reach, such communal hate and highly provocative videos emanating from India have international ramifications seriously damaging India’s image across the world which could have dangerous consequences.
As Home Minister you have the responsibility to ensure the security and wellbeing of all of our citizens and to take strong action against those who seek to destroy that security and unity of all Indians. I enclose the letter I and my colleague have written to the Delhi police requesting them to take necessary action of filing FIRs etc. The issues we have highlighted for action are :
file an FIR, arrest and take immediate action against the individuals who have spoken these words thus commiting a crime under various sections of law mentioned above
Immediate action against the company Janta Music named in the video
File an FIR and take appropriate action against youtube for abetment to the crime by permitting circulation of the said videos on their channel.
Send a take down notice to you tube to remove the video and stop the circulation of the offensive material.
With regards,
Brinda Karat