Prostitution is Rape: DCW Chief
A view of GB Road

NEW DELHI: Newly appointed Delhi Commission of Women Chairperson hit hard on the profession of sex worker while talking at an event organized by NGO Pairvi. Maliwal equated any act of prostitution with the act of “rape” and called it a “blot” on the society demanding its complete eradication by the government.
She referred to GB Road in central Delhi by saying that every month six lakh condoms are delivered to the brothels of GB Road and said that, “Six lakh condoms means six lakh rapes we are allowing in Delhi.”
“And the figure could be much more as the cases of minor girls are not reported. Strangely, I found that it is being accepted by people in a way. I have spoken to a lot of people about it after visiting G B Road, and they said if you get the red light area closed, rapes will increase. I condemn such mindset,” she said at the event organized to discuss the post –earthquake state of human trafficking on the Indo-Nepal border.
Maliwal also spoke of the dire conditions of the protection homes for girls, saying that the plight of these rescue homes are so bad that many girls are ready to go back to GB road than staying there. “Also, the Superintendents don’t get changed in 25 years, which indicates a big nexus. We will work on these aspects and submit our recommendations and pursue them till they are accepted,” she added further with reference to the rescue homes.
The chief office-bearer of the DCW said that she has taken a pledge to alleviate the concern s of the residents of GB Road within next three years. She also said that the Trafficking Committee of DCW will be working tight with Centre, State, and NGOs to get the issues resolved.
Meanwhile, a new proposal on the issue of prostitution has just been drafted by Amnesty International, which contends that “Prostitution is a human right” and defines prostitution as the “sex work means that sex workers who are engaging in commercial sex have consented to do so.” The proposal calls for the decriminalization of the sex-trade worldwide.