Five Amazing Instagram Accounts That You've Never Heard Of

NEW DELHI: I always say, life before Valencia was a life unsatisfying. Thanks to Instagram, I look better in photos than I do in person (thank you Earlybird), can pass of as a budding photographer (hello Inkwell), and my life -- my morning cups of coffee, my evening walks, dinner out with friends, a new city -- almost seems a life well lived (in LoFi).
My favourite thing about Instagram, however, is the window it provides into other people’s lives. This sounds creepy, yes, but we are voyeuristic by nature, and Instagram makes that voyeurism aesthetically worthwhile. Every morning I travel to a new destination, get inspiration from a fashionista on the other side of the world, squeal in delight at the antics of a French bulldog, nod in agreement at one too many #QuoteOfTheDay, and decide my dinner based on that delish picture of avocado on toast.
I follow hundreds of Instagram accounts, each amazing in its own pictorially simulating way. For this article, I will do the impossible, i.e. identify five of my favourite MUST FOLLOW Instagram accounts. Chances are you’ve never heard of these accounts but they’re worth it, I promise.
1. @3bulldogges
Nothing will make you happier than 3BullDogges, the Instagram handle for Sumo, Ayumi, Tonka, & Mochi. Not only are the pictures adorable, the captions add so much to your day.
“Finally my winter fat is gone. Now I have spring rolls.”
“Some day my prince will come #Mochiandthe7Dwarfs.”
“Kiss me if I'm wrong but dinosaurs still exist right.”
“I'm cold. You're hot. Let's spoon. #spoonmesundays.”
2. @GaryPepperGirl
Meet Nicole Warne. I have no idea who she is, but oh boy do I want to live her life. Not only is Warne stunning, she is in my opinion the best dressed woman on Insta.
3. @LivingTheHealthyChoice
Instagram is all about people showing off their fit lifestyles. Morning run selfies, nutritious smoothies, tips from wanna-be fitness experts. It’s all a bit much. Buried amongst the thousands of such accounts, however, are a few gems. Living The Healthy Choice is one such account, run by a food blogger from Berlin who posts delicious, easy and healthy recipes that are so do-able, being fit is going to seem a lot easier than it did two seconds ago.
4. @Wolfgang2242
I love this account. The description reads: “Life with 8 dogs and Bikini the pig” and the account is just that. Beautiful and so joyous.
5. @TuulaVintage
This girl leads THE life. Sunny beaches in exotic destinations across the world, breakfasts of champions, and style tips that will determine what you should pack for your next holiday -- this account has it all.