My Quarter-Life Crisis

To briefly introduce myself, I’m a third year law student in India, exactly half way through my five year course. I’m currently interning at a Venture Capital firm, doing nothing related to the legal field. At university, other than classes, most of my time is spent working as a research assistant at the Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Again, this has nothing to do with the law. Since I was 17, admittedly not too long ago (I’m now 20), I was sure that law was my calling. That’s why, unlike most of my classmates, I skipped the opportunity to go abroad and instead prepared for the multiple hyper competitive law entrance exams. When people hear that I’m in law school, they typically respond with a sense of envy that I had grown quite accustomed to- “Oh you’re so lucky that you know what you want to do!” I must admit, I did quite enjoy the rather desirable position I thought I was in. Now all of a sudden, a week before my 21st birthday, I’m in this limbo trying to figure out what I want to do next. What exactly has led to this “quarter-life crisis”?
As you’ve probably figured out, I’m quite interested in entrepreneurship and everything around it. I even worked on a startup of my own for close to two years, until last week I decided that I want to wait till I’m done with school before I launch it. Now you’re probably thinking “Oh law and business isn’t a bad combination, just do an MBA when you’re done with law school!” That’s what I’m thinking as well. Except there’s a problem. I’m still extremely interested in law. In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m quite an indecisive person. I think. Maybe not? Okay I am. As my parents and my friends will attest, I find it pretty hard to choose be it which sport to play, what clothes to wear when I’m going out, or even which restaurant to go to. Until now, this was fine. I could play multiple sports, go to a new restaurant every week, and obviously wear different clothes everyday. But now I’m reaching that stage in my life where I need to choose one path, and that’s exactly what’s lead to this position I’m finding myself in.
I know there are millions like me who find themselves in the same position. Especially with the growing “Start-Up Culture” in India (In the interest of self-promotion, here is an article I wrote on it last year), many of my classmates and seniors have left or plan to leave cushy law firm jobs to either start ventures of their own, or join a startup. But again, that’s choosing a path, and that’s what I’m unable to do. Its the timeless question — “How to figure out what to do with your life?” I, for one, am not a big believer in aptitude tests that will supposedly tell me what I should do. I mean I might be good at football, but what if I want to play cricket? I recently read an article that spoke about Richard Leider’s “G + P + V = C” formula that is supposed to help you answer the question. It basically takes into consideration your gifts, your passions and your values to help you find your calling. Ultimately, it comes down to figuring out what you’re good at and what you’re interested in. Rather than answering the question it just provides you a more structured way of thinking about it.
This post probably won’t help anyone figure out their life either, and I’m still as confused as I was when I began writing this. It was great to vent about it though. I’m living in the hope that I’ll either excel at one of my passions, or have a eureka moment and overnight have my life all figured out. Till then, just know that you’re not alone, we have John Mayer with us as well —
“It might be a quarter life crisis
Or just the stirring in my soul
Either way I wonder sometimes
About the outcome Of a still verdictless life”