Mona Lisa in A Choli, Marx as a Sadhu?
Graffiti in Kochi

NEW DELHI: A Reddit thread has revealed that Kochi, Kerala is covered with amazing graffiti -- attributed to an anonymous “Guess Who”.The art is excellent blend of western and eastern pop-culture, art, politics, and philosophy -- Mona Lisa in a choli with a matka on her head; a sari-clad astronaut; Che in a lungi; Shikari Shambu lip locked; Marx and Engels as sadhus, to name a few.
The style is reminiscent of the work of street artist Banksy, who uses similar politically and socially charged themes in his stencils.
Like Banksy, GuessWho is playing up the secrecy of his/her identity. Art, as they say, speaks for itself.
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