INDIAArtists Recite Poetry on the Social Media - A Beautiful BlendSHOMA A.CHATTERJI15 May 2020 4:18 PM ISTPoetry in the time of Corona
HEALTHMuslim Women In the Lead to Fight Covid-2019 - From Masks to CremationsSHOMA A.CHATTERJI6 May 2020 5:14 PM ISTWest Bengal
INDIACovid19 Alters Funerals and Rituals - Celebrity Deaths During LockdownSHOMA A.CHATTERJI6 April 2020 4:43 PM IST
GENDERWidows of Farmers Who Committed Suicide Find the Going ToughSHOMA A.CHATTERJI28 March 2020 4:51 PM IST
ArtThappad - A Film that Unpacks Patriarchy and Domestic ViolenceSHOMA A.CHATTERJI5 March 2020 5:13 PM IST