No shift in foreign policy

United States Vice President Kamala Harris has much to be happy about. She emerged from her first debate — and indeed her very first meeting– with former President Donald Trump with her head high, and a resounding applause on social media. The prep had paid off, as had the strategy that the Democrats adopted.
Bait Trump, draw him out, and stand back and watch him make a fool of himself. Harris launched a fairly aggressive attack on her rival, and as expected, he responded to every taunt, every bait. And when Trump starts to get angry and defensive, he makes a bigger fool of himself than he already is. And for him the debate deteriorated fast into a boxing match, with none of the punches landing.
Harris did not dodge, but kept her attack steady and focused. In between she articulated her own position, her vision, and her policies letting the first time voters and the fence sitters know that she was a) Presidential material and not the vacuous brunette she had been made out to be; b) that she had a vision for America and had the integrity and determination to implement it; and c) she was looking ahead, turning the curve and bringing a new politics to the US. All very attractive for voters, who took her in even as they watched the former President flail around and fall all over himself in the process.
There is no doubt that between the two candidates Harris is superior, perhaps because she is still unknown and has managed to portray herself as a leader with a plan. This was extremely important for her to stay the course. And a sign that the Democrats are happy with her performance comes from her campaign’s announcement that she would like another debate with Trump.Yet another ball in his court that he might not really want.
However, the competition between them is on domestic issues such as immigration, the economy, gun control and of course women reproductive rights. Insofar as foreign policy is concerned they are all on the same page, the page run by the American Deep State where neither candidate has much room for maneuver. Trump of course, boasted of his proximity with authoritarian leaders, while Harris tried to present a “I am for ceasefire and a two state solution" approach for the Palestinians but she could only do this after a strong assertion in favour of Israel, and it's right to defend itself in every situation. In other words, more of the same and not a word that could lead observers in any part of the world to predict a shift in US foreign policy insofar as the genocide against the Palestinians is concerned.
It is an intense fight, with Harris’ climb up in the polls suffering a slight setback on the day just before the debate. This ABC hosted debate was extremely important for her, far more than for Trump, as it really provided a break or make situation for the Vice President. While Trump was expected to stay the course, one mistake by Harris - the cynosure of all eyes across the world–would have sent her plummeting down. After all she is beating the odds as a black woman, in a racist, patriarchal America where colour still rules and where women are still struggling for equality. It has not been an easy journey for her, and will continue to be so, as demonstrated by the fact that a liar and a narcissist like Trump can still hold sway against a qualified and definitely more solid candidate like her.
The last months have really shown American democracy for what it is. An election with candidates like Trump and current President Joe Biden was in itself a farce, and finally the Democrats realised it when it could be ignored no longer, and pulled Biden out. The Republicans that showcase the US to the world have little better to offer than Trump who inspires no confidence, except in the far right, and mouths positions that would make any sane person balk. But he remains a candidate, with a winning chance and a support that really exposes the underbelly of American democracy.
The country is polarised, and divided. On each and every issue. Hate has seeped into this democracy with the emerging divisiveness making a bit of a mockery of the US claim of being the beacon of equality and liberty for the world. The population over the years has been divided on a host of issues with racism dominating at different levels. Harris has been promising to make America whole again, but until and unless the US is able to get its foreign policy together and end the policy of continuous war, any President in the White House in Washington will find it well nigh impossible to heal and restore. In the world today domestic and foreign policies are inextricably linked, and it is only the fool that believes otherwise.