The Kamala Harris Show
Most American Presidents have bothered little about humanity

The American propaganda that Joe Biden “bows out” from the presidential race is no different from Biden’s hallucinations that Ukraine is and will win the war against Russia. It is more than evident that Biden was kicked off the race.
The signs were more than visible from Biden’s panicky expressions during the first presidential debate. However, some attributed this to speculation that ‘he probably wore double diapers for the occasion’.
Also, Biden catching Covid infection was obviously to avoid more presidential debates. But his subsequent appearances, including when returning to the White House, without even wearing a mask exposed the lie.
Logically, a POTUS who enters and then pulls out from the presidential race should be lodged in an outhouse, not in White House. But this is America and Biden will continue to rule the roost till mid-end January 2025 when the new POTUS takes charge.
Most American Presidents have bothered little about humanity, and wanton killing of civilians. Some two million Vietnamese were killed by the US in the Vietnam War.
But the specialisation achieved by Biden surpasses most. He has to his credit not only over 14,000 Palestinian children killed, 21, 000 children missing and 35,000 children having lost an arm or a leg in Gaza.
He also destroyed a nation of whites, Ukraine, with thousands of Ukrainians killed and maimed, as well as mercenaries from Britain and European countries. Biden perhaps is Satan’s favourite descendent and the top paedophile-butcher.
The new British government releasing thousands of convicts from jails is perhaps on Biden’s advice, to send them as mercenaries to fill up some of the manpower voids of Ukrainian forces.
The coming presidential contest in the United States is about continuing the war in Ukraine versus ceasefire and resolving the issue across the table. America’s deep state is centred on the arms and oil lobbies.
It naturally wants the war in Ukraine to go on and on, the reasons for which need no elaboration. Their requirement is for a stooge POTUS but not a demented-blabbering-stumbling goof that Biden is reduced to. He is shaking hands in thin air and talking about chauffeuring a Chinese official along the foothills of the Himalayas when the teleprompter malfunctions.
Kamala Harris is ecstatic. Remaining generally quiet and hugging Biden, in contrast to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni grimacing when Biden wanted to plant a kiss on her, has paid off. She actually can’t stop giggling notwithstanding her caricature Americans are posting on social media titled ‘Gotham has a new Villain – The Giggler’.
Part of her happiness is also because someone in the Indian media is referring to her as the “Lotus” fighting to become POTUS. As if her loyalties towards India will be more than Biden, over her first priority towards the US.
What happens at the GOP convention is yet to be seen although former US President Barack Obama wrote in a post, “I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges”.
Interestingly, before Biden was booted out, names of Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama were also considered as possible GOP nominees although they have not figured in any election campaign. There were also some calls that if the nominee is to be a woman, she should be white.
According to some analysts, removing Biden from the presidential race was delayed as much as possible in order to brighten the chances of Kamala Harris becoming the GOP nominee. Who else better than her as the stooge POTUS for America’s deep state and arms-oil lobbies, to continue with the satanic ideology of Biden.
That is why Alexander Soros (ward of the man called ‘Satan’s Cashier to destabilise the world), with his $25 billion family empire, has lost no time to endorse Kamala Harris. Soros runs the foundation ‘Open Societies’, which has been accused of “funding an anti-India and anti-Hindu movement around the world”.
The deep state will naturally help her in fund raising during electioneering, which she has already begun. For America’s ‘deep state’ the sole qualification required for a POTUS is to be a “puppet”. It does not matter whether man, woman, transgender, white, brown or black.
What happens to the world is immaterial as long as the US can lead its Rule (read Rogue)-Based Order, deceiving friends and foes alike.
Hectic politics will be witnessed in America in the coming weeks, with the dirtiest of barbs and abuses between the GOP and Republicans. Perhaps Kamala Harris’s past is also under the lens by interested parties. She may well be appointed the official presidential nominee by the GOP.
Already there is a post on X saying her mother Shyamala Gopalan is acknowledged in Black Marxism
But the outcome of the Presidential election will remain guesswork till the results are announced. Finally, the foolishness of taking on Russia and China together signals sundown for America.
Lt General Prakash Katoch is an Indian Army veteran. Views expressed here are the writer’s own.