NammaPride Makes Us Proud!

NammaPride Makes Us Proud!;

Update: 2017-11-28 11:32 GMT

BENGALURU: Dressed in bright colours and waving balloons in the air, over 7000 individuals took to the street of Bangalore for the 10th edition of the Bangalore Pride March on Sunday. Individuals from the LGBTQI community and their parents, allies, ordinary citizens and persons with disability marched from near the Majestic Railway Station to Town Hall. The participants could be seen dancing enthusiastically to the drum beats, while, several others could be heard chanting slogans of ‘377 Down! Down!’ and ‘my body my right.’

NammaPride, as it is known, was the first Pride to ensure that all events hosted under the banner were inclusive and accessible for persons with disability. In 2016 NammaPride became the first in the country to have an accessible pride. This year too, the organisers ensured that persons with disability are able to participate equally and enjoy the celebrations; this was done by ensuring that all event venues are disabled friendly, cabs were organised to ferry persons with disabilities during the march and the presence of a sign language interpreter was also ensured.

Members of the LGBTQI community from other states such as Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh also travelled all the way to Bangalore to express their solidarity and march with their counterparts. Several individuals from other countries such as Switzerland, Canada and USA also took part in the march.

We leave you with photos from Bangalore 10th Pride, shot by Karthik K Shetty:















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