Medals Are Not Enough, 'Dress Properly' Clerics Tell Gymnast

Farah under attack by clerics;

Update: 2015-06-19 06:12 GMT

NEW DELHI: A champion gymnast from Malaysia has been rebuked by clerics from her country for revealing "too much" during her foray, in spite of winning medals for her performance.

Twenty one year old Farah Ann Abdul Hadi's medals weren't just sufficient enough for the conservatives to avoid. denouncing her for wearing leotard and showing her "Aurat", an Islamic word for thighs and genitalia. Hadi has won six medals in total at the South East Asian Games, which includes two Golds as well.

Cleric Harussani Zakaria told one local paper: “Gymnastics is not for Muslim women. It is clear that exposing one's aurat and the shape of one's body is haram (forbidden in Islam).

If Muslim women want to participate in gymnastics, they have to find outfits which cover the aurat and this, in turn, might not be suitable for the sport.”

He also added that women should follow men's practice, as they too wear knee length shorts whole playing basket ball among other sports.

Roszida Kamaruddin, head of the female wing of the National Muslim Youth Association, added: “Women should not be stopped from sports, but they must prioritise the Islamic codes in sports.

“Furthermore, there are many Muslim female athletes who succeed even by covering their aurat," as reported in Telegraph.

But to counter her detractors there were hundreds of fans on social media who lent their fervent to the proud gym.

F User Nooraini Yasin wrote: “Well done Farah Ann Abdul Hadi! You are someone Malaysia and all Malaysians should be proud of.

“You trained hard and show great dedication and discipline and have shown that with hard work one can achieve great heights no matter your gender. Be brave be strong.”

Malaysian Ray Lai, added: “We Malaysians are proud of you. Ignore those narrow minded creatures who lambasted you over your sport attire.

“The fact that they can't appreciate sport excellence and your well deserved honour shows there's something wrong with those self-centred people who act as moral police.”

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