NoBull Travel: Week of 6 November

In this weekly travelogue, No Bull travel takes to New York City, Toronto and Sienna;

Update: 2017-11-08 14:19 GMT

As a spirited cow mooving through this chaotic world, I decided to take livestock of myself and go on a grand journey around the world. A journey that would take me to places old and new, a journey to discover and most importantly a journey without any bull(s) In this weekly humour travelogue, expect to see travel tips, misadventures, chewing of cud, food recommendations and reflections as this lone cow navigates her life outside the proverbial cow shed.

Instagram: NoBull_Travel

Monday: #MondayMisadventure at New York City, USA

Today’s #mondaymisadventure is about learning a valuable lesson about travel essentials!

As Edwards Deming famously said, “In God we trust. All others must bring data.” As I thoroughly misappropriate this quote, I share a valuable lesson with you. Bring data with you on your travels!

I landed in Moo York, thoroughly cownfident that I could manage without a personal data cownnection. How wrong was I! Many misadventures were had in Moo York City on account of my lack of data on my phone, as I have previously recownted. Its not just the fact that I was about 45 moonites to an hour late to nearly every lunch/dinner mooting I had, not just that I couldn’t post an IG story like a nomad. Its almost travelling to other boroughs, not knowing the reviews of a restaurant when you walk in and relying on wifi and hotspots far too much! The words “Hey, can you give me a hotspot?” have never been uddered this much. In fact one day, I waited 30 moonites outside a resteraunt while my friend waited inside. She had sent me a text moosage that I never got! On the other hoof, in constant search for open networks I learned the hilarious things that Moo Yorkers name their Wifi. Gems like “Drop it like its Hotspot” or “”Hide Yo Kids, Hide yo Wifi” or “Pretty Fly for a Wifi”! Pictured here is a life giver, the Link NYC terminal that gave me a shot of spotty data when I needed it. The subways in Moo York too have Wifi now but its never as solid as a cownection availabull to you always. For the directionally challenged like mooself, I learned that a data connection is as essential as my neck pillow! Both keep me secure, cowmfortable and reduce the possibility of my neck snapping!

Tuesday: #Cowabouthat? at Paris, France

Today’s discowery is about oranges and lillies! Today we visit Monet at the hidden gem Musee De l‘Orangerie in Paris.

Musee De l’Orangerie is probably not on your list of must-see mooseums or sights in Paris. Why would it be when the Eiffel Tower takes up so much space? However in the citrus gallery, you will find painting, position and perfection. Stroll through the picturesque Tuilleries gardens as the sky plays hide and seek with the rain. Find your way past a delightful boulevard of orange trees, whistling in the wind. As you walk through the gates of this moderately occowpied mooseum, prepare yourself to be astounded. Space! Space in a French mooseum is rarer than a world-travelling cow!

There are only two rooms in the L’Orangerie but those two rooms house 8 panels of Monet’s masterpieces Nymphéas or water lilies! Monet himself prescribed the viewing requirements of his paintings so you’re in for a treat. Set in oval rooms with an abundance of natural light, the curve of the rooms direct your gaze to the paintings. The passage of time, intended by the painter, happens slowly from panel to panel and from square inch to square inch. Watch the sun set on the pond of waterlilies as you slowly make your way around the room and onto the next. Be cownsumed by the masterful plays with light, water, colours and atmosphere. Make a few revolutions of the mooseum and watch the world’s most famous pond come alive.

Appreciate the singular focus of this moosuem, far away from selfie-loving crowds and fridge magnet stores! Let impressionism leave the right impression on you.

A quiet, artistic respite in the Paris Pell-mell? #Cowabouthat?

Wednesday: #DutyfreeforHumpDay at Leonardo Da Vinci Airport, Rome

Its Wednesday, smack in the middle of the week. AKA #DutyFreeforHumpDay. Something to remind you that the important things of life should be availabull without the burden of local taxes.

Pictured here is the ancient Duty Free Store in Rome. The eternal duty free store to match the eternal city. Built on centuries of older Duty Free stores, quite like a lasagna. History books tell us the first ancient roman Duty Free store was actually built BC (Before Cownsumerism)! Take in the sights, buy some Armani, check your gate at the screens and feel #bullessed .

Thursday: #4TummyThursday at Toronto, Canada

Time to whet your appetite and head straight for food coma, its #4TummyThursday! Today we explore a food cowmbination, one that is so very famoos but I was always a little unsure!

One fine day in Kensington Market in Toronto, Instagram heaven itself, I felt a rumble in my #4tummies! It was time for lunch and as a #digitalnomad, my country cowsin and I hopped on to the internet in search of our next meal. We came across this place which served the “best” Chicken and Waffles this side of the Mississippi. Chicken and Waffles in Cownada Imagine! A great vibe and friendly atmosphere greeted us as we walked in, I thought I'd bite!

I have never really understood Chicken and Waffles. Why combine a breakfast with a lunch/dinner meat? Why combine crispy with soft? Is it a breakfast or something quite after? These questions always held me back. But how limited I have been!

I ordered the OG, the signature C&W and was cownsiderably surprised! Soft and sweet waffles, made fresh to order with a savoury chicken crown! Chicken fried to a golden crisp.

What I liked best though was that tantatlising gravy. It was tangy, sweet, sour and even sweet. Had I stumbled on gravy Umami? Cowmbined with some cold mashed potatoes, I was set for a meal for the ages. And so I cownsumed this unexpectedly amazing meal for 1 with relish in the sun on a pleasing afternoon.

I understand now!

Why enjoy dessert and entree separately when you can cowmbine? Revel in the differences in texture, taste and celebrate them. Never allow your mind to dictate the terms of your tummies! Keep exploring, keep eating!

Friday: #TheCowShed at Bangalore, India

TRANSIT: We interrupt your regular scheduled programooing as a transit is occurring today.

Don't panic. This isn't your last chance to board though. Come back for more NoBullity tomorrow.

Saturday: #WeekendMilkTip at Toronto, Canada

For this week’s #weekendmilktip, we learn to assimilate into the locowl locale! Go to a game when you’re on travel. Sporting events are such an essential part of the hooman experience!

As a cow quite unfamiliar with the game of baseball, I jumped at the chance to watch the 6 hour extravaganza in Toronto. Why you ask? Because a sporting event is a great way to get a taste of the local cowlture and its likes, dislikes, quirks, snacks and chants! Here I was, barely keeping up with the game’s many rules, strikes, balls and team changes but loving the overall experience. I ate a hotdog, chanted slogans (Okay Okay Blue Jay Blue Jay, let's play ball!), accidentally cheered when the away team got a run, finally understood the meaning of the phrase "The bases are loaded” and overall felt like I understood more about the Cownadian spirit than I did before the game! Pictured here is my frosty beer, best enjoyed with a view of a rare diamond!

So this tip could work wherever you are on travel. Go to a game of football, no-one should call it soccer! Do the Mexican wave at a cricket game! Cheer for the home team at a rugby showdown.

Buy a hat or jersey, sit in the nosebleed section and feel a part of the place that you are in! As you travel, you are an ever-changing person, why not feel like one in twenty thousand to really fit in?

Sunday: #DayofGraze at Siena, Italy

Today is the day we say graze, you know the #dayofgraze.

Let's discuss the art of postcards. Buy a small piece of the place you're in. Make your way to a locowl coffee shop and order yourself a cup with something warm and dark in it. Take out a pen and capture the moment slowly. Let the words come to you and with every sentence, let your recipient get a feeling of this mooment. Take a sip. Speak of the weather, the feeling of being there, the people, the hustle and the journey. Send off the postcard without a thought on it being received, without a thought on who reads it. The postcard is on a journey of its own now. No blue ticks needed.

Handwritten postcards are the best way to say "If you can't be here, I'm sending here to you". Best written slowly and on this #sungraze

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