Baby V Politico: Hilarious Photos Of Politicians And Children

Narendra Modi with a young boy in Japan

Update: 2015-04-14 05:25 GMT

NEW DELHI: The United Kingdom heads to the polls in less than a month, and if there’s anything that the election trail leading up to it proves it is that politicians and children do not gel.

David Cameron learned this the hard way in Alnwick, Northumberland where -- in addition to being told to go “F*** off to Eton” -- Cameron was snubbed by a little girl. The young citizen hid behind her mum with a look that the UK press has described as “Scary man, please go away.”

Just a few days before that, the British Prime Minister had an equally awkward encounter with a six-year-old Boulton schoolgirl. The girl made headlines when images emerged of her plopping her head down on her book in apparent boredom as Cameron tried to read with her.

(Cameron bored a schoolgirl in Boulton)

(Cameron elicits a selfie or two but this young girl looks extremely displeased).

Cameron, however, is by no means alone in boring/distressing the young. Planning a career in politics and think a photo-op with a group of children is going to lead to a spike in your popularity ratings? Think again, and see these twelve hilariously awkward photos of politician-children encounters.

1. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi discipling this child in Japan


2. British politician Ed Miliband impressing these girls

3. American politician Mitt Romney and this poor baby

4. Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher being ignored by this young girl

5. US President Barack Obama getting the death stare

6. Former US President George W Bush mimicking this baby behind his back

7. This baby trying to get away from signing-fiend Sarah Palin

8. US politician John McCain terrorising this young girl and himself

9. Tony Blair causing this girl to go deaf

10. Former Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula trying to carry this baby

11. This baby that wants Joe Biden to shut up!

12. This baby that wants Hugo Chavez to get off him


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