"I Resign From Casteist, Farcical & Patriarchal ABVP": Jatin Goraya, VP of ABVP JNU Unit

Update: 2016-08-28 02:44 GMT

NEW DELHI: Editor’s note: Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad’s JNU unit vice-president Jatin Goraya has resigned from the post, explaining his decision by saying that he was “tired” of the party’s unrelenting attack on Dalits and of the imposition of its “ruptured, obnoxious ideology of nationalism” on party members.

Goraya is the fourth ABVP member to have resigned from the JNU unit of the party this year. In February, then ABVP JNU unit joint secretary Pradeep Narwal and two others had resigned from their posts.

The full text of Goraya’s resignation letter is as follows:

I resign from the post of vice president of ABVP, and disassociate myself from the casteist, farcical and patriarchal organization. The conduct of ABVP has explicitly revealed their manipulative fascist and conservative face. They have taken regressive stands on the issues ranging from Rohit Vemula’s institutional murder, 9th February JNU incident to dalits upsurge for dignity and social justice in Una. It was not astonishing to see that the ABVP was stigmatizing our very own institution by making fake binaries of nationalism, anti - nationalism and imposing their ruptured, obnoxious ideology of nationalism on us.

The way they were trying to portray the institutional murder of Rohit vemula as suicide and safeguard the people involved in it, shows they have never been committed to the principles of social justice. Dalits and muslims are being killed all over the country in the name of cow protection, these gaurakhskas have been given a free hand by the fascist forces to suppress, humiliate, beat and kill dalits. An organization which is built of the principle of inequality, discrimination, opportunism and domination shouldn’t even claim to be nationalist in any possible sense. Brahminisim and conservative nationalism is intrinsically engrained in their very ideology.  

Their politics is merely based on rhetoric and sentimental appeal. The misogynist remarks of RSS chief and their affiliated party and organization question my “self” whether I should remain to be a participant of this anti-social and anti-national student wing. It is time to stand with the women, dalits, and the oppressed section of this country and the world in their struggles for equality but what the communal and patriarchal sangh parivar forces preach, is confining women to the household, dictate them , suppress them and bind them in chains in the name of culture.

In the wake of JNUSU elections, we must collectively throw away these kind of fascist brahminical organizations. It is time to tell them that we will never agree to your imagination of a nation built on religious, discriminatory and dictatorial lines. We will not let Rohith die that easily, the principles of social justice, humanity, equality which he stood for, will continue to haunt and shake the walls of ABVP, BJP and fascist forces which have shamelessly been involved in all kinds activities that would undermine the principles of social justice, gender justice and a just society. It is time to give them a defeat through all kind of possible measures and JNUSU elections is one such platform.

We must ensure to wipe them away from this campus so that no organization again dares to tear apart the notion and practices of social justice. We debate, we dissent we see the dream of a society where each one of us is able to live a dignified life where no one is oppressed and no one is denied their rights and freedom. My resignation is a tribute to the principles of rohit vemula. The spirit with which rohit fought against the bhagva brigade, is alive in all of us we will fight till our last breath against these forces and bring their sham of propagandas down each and every time.


JNU will fight back! #Rohithwillfightback!
#Standwithjnu! #StandwithRohithvemula!


(Photo: Jatin Goraya Facebook Page)

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