'Life With Death': Photo Essay

Update: 2017-04-13 05:23 GMT

NEW DELHI: While we all witness death at some point our lives, there are people who live in and around death 24X7. In their lives death comes every day, sometimes even ten times a day. Considered a morbid subject by many, this is a job for several people engaged in funeral services and last rites of the deceased.

At Nigam Bodh Ghat, one of Delhi’s largest Hindu crematoriums, you can see for yourself how this most feared phenomenon serves as a source of income for thousands of people. The Nigam Bodh Ghat is a different world in itself, one that you would never think of entering unless forced to. Situated on the banks of river Yamuna, it offers a traditional Hindu crematorium where you perform the last rites of the dead, and burn pyres. It has several life size idols of god Shiva that ensure your soul attains Moksha (eternal bliss). Besides this, it now offers a CNG crematorium and an eco friendly pyre system, both born as a result of concern for the environment.

“A place that no one can escape”, according to Rajinder Kumar, who works at the CNG crematorium.

This photo essay walks you through a work place amidst the dead, where ashes, fire smoke and skeletons are a regular sight, along with the remains of rotten human flesh.

Entrance of Nigam Bodh Ghat, Hindu crematorium at Kashmere gate 


A hearse van, used to transfer dead bodies to the crematorium 


CNG crematorium inside the Nigam Bodh Ghat


CNG machines, an environment friendly way of burning the dead bodies. Natural gas is used as the fuel instead of wood 


Workers at the CNG crematorium


Workers at the CNG crematorium, taking a lunch break while the bodies burn inside the CNG machines 


CNG workers in the middle of a conversation 


A mourner at the CNG crematorium 


 People wait at the CNG crematorium as their relative’s body burn 


Cemented platforms for burning pyres near the ghat


A Pandit looks on at the platform where dead bodies are kept before burning


 Relatives collect ashes after the body is burnt completely 


 Ashes are collected in a container by the pyre burner


Workers collecting ashes of different dead bodies 


Rajinder Das,an eco pyre burner rests after a long day at work 


A dog sitting at the ghat amongst the remains of pyres


Burning of pyres at the ghat


Last rituals of a dead body being carried out at the ghat


Rajinder Kumar, CNG worker, leaves for home after finishing the day’s work


(Cover Photo: A pyre burner waits for the pyre to completely burn during night at the Ghat )

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